Saturday, February 25, 2012

Getting Ready

So I am starting this blog so I can document my trip in Europe.  Right now I don't have much to say and no pictures, but I have to start somewhere.

I keep feeling this wave of panic as I think of going away for five weeks.  I vacilate between excitement and "what was I thinking".  I hope when all is said and done, I look back on it as a fantastic time.

I have rented apartments in Paris, London, Madrid and Montreaux (Switzerland).  I have two train trips to schedule, money to get and transportation between airports to set up.  I have also found a hop-on-off tour of Paris like we did in New York that includes the river that I think I'll do.  I can buy one for 3 days and just get all around the city.

Well, all for now.  We'll see how good we do at this.

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