Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sunday and Monday in Paris

So someone left me a post that I am behind on posting.  Not much to tell.  Sunday was Easter and crowds were crazy so I didn't do much other than wander around my neighborhood and discovered that the Port St Denis was just down the street from me.  That was the only new picture I took.  Then I spent part of the day getting pictures transferred to Picassa and labeled so I'd know where I went and got packed so I wouldn't have to on Monday.

Monday was also a holiday and even though traffice was dramatically reduced, crowds were even worse.  The highlight was the people I ran into while out and about.  A lady from  England and her daughter who flashed the first smile I think I had seen since I arrived.  I got onto a bus with a whole group of ladies my age from Spain and later had a family I am guessing were from India sit near me.  Their only daughter sat with me and she was a joy to ride around with.

I reserve my last day for shopping, so I did that, stopped by Hard Rock for another raspberry mojito, then back to my apartment for my last night in Paris.

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