Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First Day in London

Went out and about today with two main missions: send a box of stuff home (thank you sister Cindy) and find the Hard Rock cafe to get pins for my friend Trish in Kansas.  It has been fun to be on this "hunt for Hard Rock" in each city.

So headed out to the London Underground - or tube - to ship some things home.  I am finding it is really easy to get around and I have several stations close by.  I walked to the West Kensington Station to go to Gloucester Street to find the Mail Boxes Etc.  Imagine my delight when I walked out of the underground and there in front of me was a Starbucks!  And even better they took my Starbucks Gold Card.  It was especially nice because I could buy my city mug and ship it with everything else.

I met a delightful young lady who confirmed that Google was right, a short walk down was a Mail Boxes Etc.  We also compared notes on friendly people.  She had just returned from Copenhagen and she said every one was so pleasant and nice and we generally agreed that people were not that way in France - or at least in Paris.

Mail Boxes was a great place, they pack everything for you and I left my first round of personal "treasures" in their good hands - and out of my suitcase.

My next trek was down to Picadilly Circus to find the Hard Rock cafe.  It was a rather round about walk from the train station to the Hard Rock and I discovered on the way back all these nice under ground walkways that took me back to my train station without having to brave the traffic that does not yield for each other let alone pedestrians. I stopped at Hyde Park Corner for some pictures then to the subway before the full force of rush hour.

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